"*Medicare and Medicaid are the major drivers of budget deficits.
Wrong.* Medicare
and Medicaid spending is rising quickly, to be sure. But that's because the
nation's health-care costs are rising so fast. One of the best ways of
slowing these costs is to use Medicare and Medicaid's bargaining power over
drug companies and hospitals to reduce costs, and to move from a
fee-for-service system to a fee-for-healthy outcomes system. And since
Medicare has far lower administrative costs than private health insurers, we
should make Medicare available to everyone."

"*Tax cuts for the rich trickle down to everyone else. Baloney.* Ronald
Reagan and George W. Bush both sliced taxes on the rich and what happened?
Most Americans' wages (measured by the real median wage) began flattening
under Reagan and has dropped since George W. Bush. Trickle-down economics is
a cruel joke."

It seems that independent Analysts believe this whole "Cut the Deficit" will
ruin the US Economy as Cutting the Deficit really means putting people out
of work, and closing down businesses that service various programs and

Hope they're wrong. And let's not forget that it is the "new" GOP House that
is cancelling and voting down nearly every bill that is placed before it
regarding the economy.
I so hope that this situation is contained within the US, but we all know
that isn't going to happen.

The trickle down effect of trouble in the States = Trouble in the world is
working just fine!

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