I'm having some issues with a shared host and fw/1 that I was wondering if 
anyone has ever seen/heard of. Basically everything works great until I try to 
redirect to a shared SSL url. It seems that the shared SSL is a virtual folder 
that is pointed at the root of my 'user' folder on the shared server. The issue 
I'm seeing here is that the when I try to redirect to this virtual path - fw/1 
has problems finding the relative path to the cfc. CF omits the user from the 
path. So for example if I had my files at:

it tries to build the cfc at:


Which as you can guess blows up.  I can't imagine I'm the first person to run 
into this, but I haven't been able to find too much about it. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated. Thanks!

-Nick Simone- 

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