On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Erika L. Rich <elr...@ruwebby.com> wrote:
> [...] you check your email or do ANYTHING work related after hours, the
> you work for is beholden to pay you for that time.
> [...] So you might want to just check into that a little further ... ;)
All it
> takes is one unhappy employee to screw something up.

As an hourly employee, I'd expect that.  I generally won't answer my phone
without billing it to my client, and I don't expect contractors working for
me to do that either.  I occasionally have conversations with contractors
about how to categorize time we spent discussing something that may not be
billable to a client, but usually it's billable in some form or fashion.

There are common sense exceptions to that - I do talk to clients about new
business without charging them, for example.  Mainly I think I'd be worried
about a blanket law applying to salaried employees.



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