Sam in reality, not your little world, how much actual voter fraud has
there been?  According to the Bush DOJ there were no incidents of
voter fraud between 2001 and 2009, repeat, none, nada, zip, zero,

Now lets look at Acorn, how many incidents of voter fraud have been
found, again nothing. In fact in terms of voter registration fraud,
Acorn reported on almost all the incidents of fraudulent voter
registrations its workers turned in. The thing is that by law they had
to turn inn all forms that were completed, with fraudulent signatures
or legitimate ones. So tell me Sam is it illegal to follow the law?
And on that note how many of those fraudulent signatures resulted in
voter fraud. Again according to the DOJ, not one.

So lets try a bit of reality here and remove the ideological blinders.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Sam <> wrote:
> Gingrich said someone from his team committed fraud.
> Did you expect him to deny and defend for years as with acorn?
> .
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 1:30 AM, Dana <> wrote:
>> Both Gingrich and Romney guilty of voter fraud?
>> stay tuned....

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