Dear valued Google user,

Thank you for taking an interest in Google +. Enclosed is a personally
autographed photo of         America's favorite search engine to add to
your collection. In regards to your specific comments about our program,
our research shows that one person cannot make a difference, no matter how
big a screwball she is, so let me close by saying...

....and the horse I rode in on!!!

(Dunno why your complaint sparked this memory...but props to anyone who
recognizes the reply)

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:22 PM, Dana <> wrote:
> So, due to Google's decision to make people from my Google + circles
> available to my Gmail chat, I had a long list of contacts showing up
> there, many of whom would no more dream of chatting with me than I
> would them. It seems that the only way to correct this is to
> individually block these people, which is a) clunky and annoying and
> b) makes it seem somehow, perhaps only in my mind, that they have done
> something wrong. I actually have no objection to getting a chat
> message from most of them, should they for whatever reason send me one
> -- I just don't want them showing up in my chat widget and popping up
> in chat windows if I accidentally mouse over their name.
> grumble

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