yeah, props to Bosma for the way he handled this. We need more
politicians like him. I especially appreciated the final quote of the
article -- that just because you're at the sideshow, doesn't mean you
have to go into every tent.

zOMG ;)

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson <> wrote:
> I think it actually has more to do with this:
> In his email, Morris said he had done "a small amount of web-based
> research" and had concluded the Girl Scouts was linked to Planned Parenthood
> "small amount of web-based research" probably meant running one google
> search and clicking on a link.
> As for Speaker Bosma, he is a rock star on this issue.
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 6:54 PM, Dana <> wrote:
>> it happens!
>> This article also gives more detail on a point that had been puzzling
>> me -- where the anti-GG people got the idea that Girl Guides support
>> abortion or even Planned Parenthood:
>> "They're not against it. If you're not against it, you're for it."
>> Alrighty. OK then. I guess we are all in favor of the flying spaghetti
>> monster, since we have failed to enunciate a position against it.

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