Do not buy a Fisker Karma Hybrid.

Bad Karma: Our Fisker Karma plug-in hybrid breaks down

Our Fisker Karma cost us $107,850. It is super sleek, high-tech—and now
it’s broken.

We have owned our car for just a few days; it has less than 200 miles on
its odometer. While doing speedometer calibration runs on our test track (a
procedure we do for every test car before putting it in service by driving
the car at a constant 65 mph between two measured points), the dashboard
flashed a message and sounded a “bing“ showing a major fault. Our
technician got the car off the track and put it into Park to go through the
owner’s manual to interpret the warning. At that point, the transmission
went into Neutral and wouldn’t engage any gear through its electronic
shifter except Park and Neutral.

We encountered other problems with a Karma press car that visited the track
for a few hours, and we have heard of problems at press events. In
addition, we see that some owners are experiencing a variety of issues, as
evidenced by forums such as

Just as an aside, Fisker Karma received $529 million from the Department of
Energy to develop this car *in Finland.  *No jobs created or saved for the
citizens footing the bill.
Nice article about the Karma here:

Love the caption on the picture:  Electric Car for the 1%



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