I am not a big fan of those who preach religion. I know others will
disagree, but I do not consider what Tim does is 'preaching'.

I do not recall him ever telling other people how they should live
their lives (as 'preachers' would). Rather it seems he simply tells
people how he lives his. I know that is a subtle distinction, but I
think its an important one.

I find it hard not to like the guy. Even though,
religiously/spiritually, we could not be further apart in our beliefs.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 1:48 PM, GMoney <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The other day I was talking to my son about Peyton Manning going to
>> the Broncos. He asked me what would happen to Tim Tebow and I told him
>> he would likely be traded.
>> His response to that was (and this was all in one breath):
>> 'You know what woudl be cool? If Tebow goes to Miami, we can ask Coah
>> Philbin to ask Tim to talk to us. And then I can say, 'Hey dude, we
>> are home schooled, too.' And then we can be friends and have a secret
>> handshake'
>> Please note: My wife 'kind of' knows Joe Philbin (head coach of
>> Dolphins). Her best friend is Coach Philbin's sister-in-law.
> I was at a Chiefs/Broncos game 2 years ago. Sitting behind us was an
> elderly lady and her grandson, maybe 10 years old. Grandson was decked out
> in a Tebow jersey. The rest of us stood throughout the whole game, making
> as much noise as possible...cheering, etc. just doing the general Arrowhead
> fan stuff. This old lady and her grandson never stood up....i'm not sure
> they ever saw any plays. They just kind of sat there, though neither looked
> all that unhappy about it.
> Near the end of the game i chatted up the lady. Apparently they drove
> several hours to the game to quietly support Tebow, because once, he had
> visited someone they knew who was very sick. He spent some time with her,
> and them, and just generally cheered them up.
> I love to curse Tebow as much as the next person, and nobody hates public
> displays of religious piety more than me. But whenver i'm tempted, i just
> remember the innocent look on that kid's face, and how desperately
> important this was to him in the way that it only could be for a
> child...and thus his grandma.
> I hope your kid gets to meet him.

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