Whew....that looks like it came out of a text book. Well said Justin.

I'd add that i think CF sometimes suffers, undeservedly, from it's
ease-of-use. I use myself as an example. CF was my first coding language,
and I spit out a lot of code. As things became more complex, my apps
weren't running very efficiently. Why? My code was an absolute jumbled mess
of unnecessary loops and god knows what else.

CF's ease of use allowed me to generate a large out put of working code,
when I barely knew what i was doing. Without proper supervision, that can
be dangerous :)

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 9:31 PM, Justin Scott <leviat...@darktech.org> wrote:

> > Facebook, for example.  Throwing hardware at something
> > like Facebook is not going to help performance issues in the
> > software.  Facebook is built using PHP, but they do some
> > fancy compiling on the PHP to make it faster.
> > ...
> > Can ColdFusion run something like Facebook/Twitter, ...
> There's no inherent reason ColdFusion couldn't run it, but you'd be
> spending a lot more on hardware and licensing than you would probably
> be sane to do.  Once you get to that scale, every architecture
> decision becomes critical.  Something that makes a 2% difference in
> efficiency at any level can cost or save millions of dollars.  At that
> scale, ColdFusion's licensing costs alone would be a deal-breaker for
> anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of economics (sure, there
> is Railo and others but I'm focusing on Adobe ColdFusion here).  At
> scale, the right tool for the right job becomes critical.
> ColdFusion's primary value, in my opinion, comes from making difficult
> tasks easy for developers so that solutions can be put into production
> more quickly and increasing productivity of a development team.
> Can ColdFusion scale?  Absolutely, if you know what you're doing and
> have appropriate resources to support it, but the same could be said
> of any mature technology.  There's nothing stopping you from standing
> up a pair of large load balancers in front of a cluster of CF servers
> backed by a cluster of SQL Servers, but it won't be inexpensive.
> Assuming your architecture is sound and the right resources are coming
> from the right places (e.g. images/css/javascript being loaded from a
> CDN, proper caching being used across the board, good database design,
> etc.) there is no reason ColdFusion can't be part of a well-designed
> architecture aside from the cost.
> The question you should be asking is which platform is best and most
> cost effective for YOU at the scale YOU expect to achieve, and how
> does that scale factor in with your goals (e.g. is it okay to start
> with ColdFusion and limited resources and get something online more
> quickly and then, if you become the next Facebook, is it okay to
> rework your platform into something that will scale at a better cost
> effectiveness?).
> -Just

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