Can’t find any information on this on any major news site.


“US district judge Katherine Forrest, in New York
<>  City's eastern district, found
that section 1021 <>  – the key section of the National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) – which had been rushed into law amid
secrecy and in haste on New Year's Eve 2011, bestowing on any president the
power to detain US citizens indefinitely, without charge or trial,
utional_n_1522587.html> "facially unconstitutional". Forrest concluded that
the law does indeed have, as the journalists and peaceful activists who
brought the lawsuit against the president and Leon Panetta have argued, a
"chilling impact on first amendment rights". Her ruling enjoins that section
of the NDAA from becoming law
<> .”




“And now, Thursday, Representatives Adam Smith (Democrat, Washington) and
Justin Amash (Republican, Michigan) have presented an amendment to Congress
an amendment that does just that <> . Those who vote
against it therefore will be voting clearly, and without any ambiguity, for
stripping Americans of their constitutional rights and reducing them to the
same potential status as "enemy combatants" and Guantánamo prisoners. The
House thus votes for or against the power handed to the executive by the
NDAA to hold any of us, anywhere, forever, for no reason. There can be no
hiding from this; the lawyers defending the administration's position made
that perfectly clear.”


The Smash – Amash Amendment was voted down yesterday in the House 238

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