Very true. Americans have a terrible record of showing up and voting,
let alone voting for what they believe. The last time voter turnout
was over 60% for a national election was in 1968. The last election in
2010 the turnout was under 38%.

In contrast, since 1989 there has been only one federal election in
Canada where the turnout was below 60%.

The US citizen seems to be far more interested in American Idle than
their responsibility to the country and themselves.

On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Gruss Gott <> wrote:
> No, I'm saying we voting Americans have done a terrible job.
> We keep voting for people who perpetuate the status quo, I.e. lobbyist-based 
> legislative and executive.
> Vote Mitt.  Won't matter.  Bush=Bill=Bush=Barak.
> If you're looking to break the cycle, he'll Mitt's the ultimate slow and 
> steady guy so you're going to be disappointed.  He knows how to do one thing: 
> profit from the system.  He's stellar at it.
> Unfortunately that's our exact problem.  But then Obama isn't any better so 
> ...
> On Jul 14, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
>> " Despite the fact I'm probably voting for him (regretfully), I find the
>> list below interesting for this reason: "
>> That is terribly unsettling.
>> You seem to be admitting that President Obama has done a horrible job and
>> yet you won't be able to find another candidate on the ballot to vote for
>> (or to write in).
>> Reminds me of a recent story.  The Reverend William Owens said basically
>> that Obama is taking the Black vote for granted since he believes they are
>> in his pocket.
>> “I think he would have been there if he had not taken the NAACP for
>> granted. The NAACP had pandered to the president, they are doing his will
>> by endorsing same-sex marriage, and I don’t think he counts them as being
>> important now because he already has them.”
>> Or of my Black friend who has a degree from a prestigious private
>> university.  In 2008, he told me he was voting for Obama.  I asked him why.
>> He told me that his family has always voted Democrat.  I was hoping for
>> some policy talk or such, especially from someone who so well schooled.
>> Nope.
>> Seems like you are admitting to be in the pocket already.
>> I won't be voting for Mitt or Barack.  They both suck.  Unlike the last
>> three elections, I will not be voting against a candidate.  I will either
>> find someone I like or not vote in that race.
>> On the issue of Romney, I don't see why disenfranchised Democrats don't
>> like him.  He's about as progressive a candidate that the GOP has ever put
>> forward.  Hell, Soros pretty much gave him a stamp of approval:
>> If it’s between Obama and Romney, there isn’t all that much difference
>> except for the crowd that they bring with them. - George Soros
>> Then Romney even admitted to being "progressive".
>> "I think people recognize that I'm not a partisan Republican, that I'm
>> someone who is moderate, and my views are progressive, and that I'm going
>> to go to work for our senior citizens, for people that have been left
>> behind by urban schools that are not doing the right job. And so they're
>> going to vote for me regardless of the party label."  - Mitt Romney
>> J
>> -
>> Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I
>> repeat myself. - Mark Tw

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