Forgot to mention here are some of Barton's claims.

Demonic powers control the government.
The Founding Fathers opposed the teaching of evolution.
Jesus opposed the minimum wage.
The Bible opposes Net Neutrality.
The US would have won the Vietnam war if it had flown just one more bombing run.
Prayer stopped the BP oil spill.
Intolerance of gays is a sign a nation is undergoing a spiritual revival.
We can't find a cure for AIDS because it is God's punishment for sin.
Life begins not at conception, but before conception.
People are probably on welfare because they are not reading the Bible enough.
The Southern Poverty Law Center called him a "domestic terrorist."
There are no grocery stores within the city of Detroit.
An elementary school student was yelled at for praying before lunch.
Mentions of Jesus were banned at military funerals.
Hate Crimes legislation was designed to imprison pastors.
Abstinence will make you richer.  (damn no wonder I'm broke all the time)
God created our system of elected government.
The Constitution quotes the Bible "verbatim."
Many of the clauses in the Constitution are "direct quotations out of
the Bible."

Amazing simply amazing. Either this man is really stupid or thinks we are.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
> Do they really thing that the typical American is this stupid - not
> NPR, but David Barton, a radical right wing conservative pseudo
> historian. This genius cannot even get how often the bible is
> mentioned in the constitution. Then there's this funny idea that
> Thomas Jefferson was a fundamentalist Christian.
> --
> Larry C. Lyons
> web:
> LinkedIn:

Larry C. Lyons

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