"And yes. Almost everyone that uses Hussein when referring to Obama at
their core has a racist agenda. All the birthers, his GOP opponents etc. "

You going to preface that with "In my opinion" or can you read minds?

"To use Hussein after the history of the last 4 years is clearly setting up
a premise that he isn't American, is a muslim and doesn't belong etc. etc."

Do explain.  Are you saying a Muslim can't be an American?  I don't recall
that coming up in the last four years.  I do know that Barry's middle name
was known before his election in 2008 and that he received over 50% of the

"I mean crap I'm not American. Someone actually living there and following the
political scene would have an even clearer impression of how those terms
are used with the current President."

Please explain this clear impression.  It's not so clear.

"Trying to compare that to Mittens and Williard? No comparison."

I think I would rather be named Hussein over Willard.

"And in a discussion about politics it's just a cheap shot at best even if you
want to argue any inherent racism in the term is inadvertent."

It's only a cheap shot if the person reading or hearing it has some
preconceived notion about the name.  It seems like you do.



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