>From http://www.jamespowell.org/Blog/Blog.php?id=3223808278669646293

Are Humans Causing Global Warming? Ask Floyd Landis.
Sat, Apr 21 2012 11:30 | Permalink
Blog Post for Columbia University Press

The earth is warming. But can we be sure that humans are the cause?
Yes. The same way cycling officials were sure that biker Floyd Landis
doped with synthetic testosterone while winning the 2006 Tour de

With Lance Armstrong retired and most of the other top riders expelled
for illegal drug use, Landis had become one of the favorites. He was
leading when in stage 16 he fell to eleventh place. Then, just as his
chances of winning seemed dashed, Landis won the next stage going away
and went on to ride the Champs-Élysées in the winner’s yellow jersey.

A few days later, Landis’s team announced he had failed a test for
banned steroids. Landis appealed the ban, raised an estimated $1M for
his defense, and wrote a 300-page book titled, “Positively False: the
Real Story of how I won the Tour de France.”

After years of denial, in 2010 Landis reversed himself and admitted
that from 2002 through 2006 he had used a grab-bag of banned
substances and methods. Why did he finally have to give up his denial?
Because the carbon isotope test proved beyond reasonable doubt that he
had doped with synthetic testosterone.

Testosterone is mostly carbon. Synthetic testosterone is made entirely
from plants, which have a different carbon isotope ratio than our
environment overall. The carbon in Landis’s body had the distinctive
plant ratio, proving beyond reasonable doubt that he had doped with
synthetic testosterone.

So how do scientists use the method to confirm that humans are causing
global warming?

Since 1800, CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere has risen 40% and because of
the greenhouse effect, warmed the planet. The obvious source of the
added carbon is the 330 billion tons of carbon that burning fossil
fuels has added to the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution. Yet
global warming deniers deny this obvious fact. Well then, let’s prove

First, coal, oil, and natural gas also come from plants and also have
the distinctive carbon isotope ratio of plants. As CO2 in the
atmosphere has built up steadily, its isotopic composition has shifted
just as steadily in the direction of plant carbon. That tells us the
added carbon is coming from plants. But what kind of plants? That
question we can also answer.

One carbon isotope, C14, is radioactive and dies away to undetectable
levels in 50,000 years or so. Fossil fuels, being millions of years
old, have no C14 left. Adding ancient carbon should have lowered the
proportion of C14 in the atmosphere—and it has. For the last 50 years,
as the amount of carbon in the atmosphere has increased, its C14 ratio
has fallen steadily.

Just as the carbon isotopes prove that Landis doped his body, they
prove beyond reasonable doubt that humans are doping the atmosphere
with ancient plant carbon, carbon from fossil fuels.

Unlike people, isotopes do not lie.
James L. Powell

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> None of your silly articles prove global warming is man made and most
> of the handful of people that wrote the multiple articles that they
> also reviewed have admitted global warming as they defined it has
> stopped. Sixteen years ago.
> .
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Larry C. Lyons <larrycly...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Answer the question then, given the vast weight of data, why do you
>> think that there is no global warming?
>> An interesting preso on the topic by the scientist I previously cited,
>> it ties in current research from some very different fields of study,
>> all of which points towards human caused global warming, with full
>> citations btw.
>> http://www.jamespowell.org/resources/Presentation-Slides/Talksspring2012web.ppt
>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Stop flaunting your ignorance.
>>> .

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