There is a surprisingly large group of people in this country who are
questioning whether Sandy Hook tragedy was really just a government
conspiracy...a fake event concocted to help usher in gun control, or in the
name of some other government agenda. It's not that much different from the
9/11 truthers.

On first blush, it's easy to be incredulous at such an idea. How can anyone
be that heartless, that stupid, etc.

Granted, i'm sure there are some people who really are that stupid and mean
hearted, or who are so beholden to the idea of guns or whatever their pet
project is, that they will do whatever is necessary to shield their
ideology from the reality of events.

But I think it's something else at work here...something I've touched on
before: It's a defense mechanism. 9/11 and Sandy Hook share the same
attribute of senselessness, and that scares people. That anywhere at any
time, some 20 year old could walk into THEIR kids school....for NO
reason...and kill a scary idea. It brings some sense of relief
to think that there was a reason behind it...even if that reason doesn't
really make much sense. Oh, it wasn't a random act...the GOVERNMENT did it.
There aren't really 20 year olds out there capable of doing something do

It really is interesting to watch how large societies react to senseless
tragedies like this. The defense mechanisms can be almost as awful to
behold as the event....and they underscore, once again, how fragile we
really are.

We are SO flawed...and we aren't even able to cope with the enormity of our
own shortcomings. And yet, we consider ourselves a higher species????

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