On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Funny how the focus has switched from indoctrination to trees.

Everything else you wrote was a pile of crap as well, but I just don't have
the time and energy to go over it. Some other folks touched on some parts.
Really kind of a waste of energy, though, since you seem to have abandoned
the ability to have critical analysis in areas you've assigned into a
political mental box.

Trees I care a lot about, however, so I wanted to make sure that other
folks on the list think about trees in some of the ways I do. Landscape
ecology, fire ecology, and quantitative ecology in general is something I
spent a lot of time on when I was younger. A lot of time measuring canopy
coverage in forests. Time slogging through bogs looking for plants. Time
sitting with scientists who are busy watching a tree decay for a hundred

We've got forests here in Oregon that we cut down every 50 years that are
evolved to normally go 400 years without most of the big trees going down
at once. On the east side of the mountains, we've got trees that are used
to have small fires come through every 20 years that haven't seen a fire in
60 years because of fire suppression. And yet we keep wondering why our
forest health isn't in good shape. There are trees there, what else do you
need, right?

People in this area have started to come around. Conservation groups
working together with logging companies and local and national government
to try and come up with management plans that increase timber harvest while
protecting critical areas and improving forest health. It isn't easy, there
are lots of attitudes to change and decades of mistrust on all sides. But
it's happening, little by little.

No thanks, obviously, to folks like Jerry and Sam. Fortunately, we still
have pockets of sanity. I just hope it is enough to keep things going for
my grandchildren.


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