"Egypt sorry you meant india"

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look
upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. - Mohandas

Gandhi had a lot to do with Indian Freedom, but WWII had more.  Britain no
longer had the military or the money to maintain an empire.  Britain threw
all its cards on the table and folded.

There were many armed and unarmed insurrections in India before 1920.  They
were put down brutally by well armed British militia.

Another execution of a similar nature took place on the 13th of June, at
Ferozepore. All the available troops and public establishments were
convened to witness the scene. Some of the mutineers were to be hung, and
around the gallows, erected during the night previous, the soldiers were
drawn up. The mutineers were then brought into the centre, and the
proceedings of the general Court-Martial was read. Upon being informed that
if they would become Queen’s evidence they would be reprieved, twelve of
the criminals accepted the offer and were marched to the rear. Two were
taken to the gallows. They ascended the ladder with firm steps, and to the
last moment betrayed no emotion of fear.

The remaining ten were now led away to the artillery guns, and while their
irons were being struck off some cried, “Do not sacrifice the innocent for
the guilty!” Two others rejoined, “Hold your sniveling: die men and not
cowards — you defended your religion, why then do you crave your lives?
Sahibs! they are not Sahibs, they are dogs!” Others then began to upbraid
their commanding officer. The wretched beings were quickly fastened to the
muzzles of ten guns, charged with blank cartridge.

The commanding officer directed port-fires to be lit. “Ready!” “Fire!” and
the drama was played out. An eye-witness says: “The scene and stench were
overpowering. I felt myself terribly convulsed, and could observe that the
numerous native spectators were awe-stricken — that they not only trembled
like aspen-leaves, but also changed into unnatural hues. Precaution was not
taken to remove the sponge-and-load men from the muzzles of the guns; the
consequence was that they were greatly bespattered with blood, and one man
in particular received a stunning blow from a shivered arm!“



Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad reputation.
- Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel,
go out and buy some more tunnel. - J

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