have old character sheets of my chaotic neutral thief assassin dwarf Orlow
Bitter in the basement.
have 3 sets of die on my desk at work. roll a 20 sider every day just to
see how the code will pan out. yesterday was a 15
today i forgot to roll, so no code..

over all, d&d and gaming in general has benefited my life in countless way.
being able to sit in a room with 8 guys 3 days straight imaging shtff that
is not real prepared me for the corporate world. where i still dream of
riding off with the bar wench..

seriously though. i am of the christian persuasion, but LOVE d&d!
Just found out i have 2 connections to people at wizards of the coast. if i
had my dithers i would work for them in a second
thought no rule set can beat 2nd edition. the new rules are total crap

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