The only people who "have the authority" to start a debate are those that
have already decided, privately, to pass on it. That is a fundamental
conundrum. These things are not debated in the open. I do believe that, in
some cases, they ought not to. But I fundamentally believe that we should
have more debate and that the genesis of that debate will not come from
within the ruling circles that have already bought into the current


On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 1:16 PM, C. Hatton Humphrey <>wrote:

> > Very true. He plead guilty to a number of charges already.
> >
> He was also convicted of other charges today.
> > Thing is it was well known that he was a problem right out of basic. And
> > yet they put him in a very sensitive position. I think that more than a
> few
> > in the upper echelons should be slapped upside the head over this.
> I wonder if they're going to use the same, "we outsourced our security
> clearances" defense that they're using for Snowden.
> Not going to lie here, I was more than a little pissed when this happened.
>  Part of it was at Manning himself.  He wanted to, "start a debate."  He
> was in neither the position nor the authority to do so.  Part of it was in
> his chain of command, who as you've said should have seen something coming.
>  Another part wanted to dig more into the WikiLeaks connection.
> Now we'll see where sentencing goes.  He's destined to be a gravel-maker
> for some time I think.

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