"Remember too that nine of the 10 hottest years since 1880 have been
in the past decade."

When using the processed data.  When looking at the raw data, the top
ten way heavily towards the 1930's, 40's, and 50's (think of the dust

Apparently, someone has a magic box that they put the data in and it
gives them a trend they like.


Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad
reputation. - Henry Kissinger

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the
tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. - John Quinton

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Vivec <gel21...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Over the last few days several news articles have emerged announcing that
>> Arctic sea ice is growing, not shrinking, and therefore the climate is not
>> warming but cooling.
> Common sense would agree. More Ice means cooling, less ice warming. It
> happens all the time.
> This is not the result of scientific data disagreeing, this is simply poor
>> journalism. Phil
>> Plait<
>> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Phil-Plait/251070648641?directed_target_id=0
>> >
>> has
>> covered these articles in depth and gone through exactly what is wrong with
>> them. Check it out here:http://slate.me/1dZwsej
>> I read it, what an extremely poor excuse for journalism.
>> ;-)
>> "There’s long been a claim that global warming has stopped, but this too is
>> wrong <http://skepticalscience.com/global-warming-stopped-in-1998.htm>.
>> Surface temperatures haven’t increased as much as they did a decade or so
>> ago, but we now understand that the extra heat from global warming is
>> getting stored in the
>> oceans<
>> http://skepticalscience.com/watanabe-et-al-2013-another-piece-of-the-puzzle.html
>> >.
> Did he just say "hide the decline"in the oceans? That's not a fact btw,
> that's a theory and not a very good one. We have long said el Nino and el
> Nina have an effect on surface temperatures, this clown seems to say it's
> proof of the opposite. I miss the days when scientists used science to back
> up claims.
>> Surface temperatures are a piece of the puzzle, but like their name
>> implies, they don’t probe the depths of the
>> problem<
>> http://www.skepticalscience.com/charles-krauthammer-flat-earther-global-warming-folly.html
>> >.
> What a f'n idiot. He's arguing against himself:
> Of course, the choice of the 16-year window is a juicy cherry pick. It puts
> the starting point right at the formation of the 1997–1998 El Niño, one of
> the strongest in the past century. During El Niño events, heat is
> transferred from the oceans to the air, causing abnormally hot surface
> temperatures.
> Too funny.
> Remember too that nine of the 10 hottest years since 1880 have been in the
>> past decade<
>> http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2013/01/18/global_warming_nine_of_the_ten_hottest_years_since_1880_have_been_in_the.html
>> >
>> ."
> Why cherry pick to 1880? Could it be because it was way hotter before than?
> How would he explainthat ifhe had to,
> Also, note the headline of the article that says, “Record Return of Arctic
>> Ice Cap as it Grows by 60% in a Year.” That is grossly misleading, making
>> it seem as if the sea ice is coming back. It isn’t. The sea ice grows and
>> recedes with the seasons every year and has been on the decline since
>> spring … and the overall trend over time is *definitely* downward."
> I feel like I'm teaching kindergarten. The ice went away, it set a record.
> The ice returned, it set a record. This isn't rocket science.
>> I haven't seen a decent rebuttal of these facts.
> The problem is you think these are facts. I can't help you if that's the
> case.

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