
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:

> Elections aren't an enterprise (or at least shouldn't be). And money is not
> speech. Also, the country was not founded on the notion of free enterprise,
> though I will grant you that it has been a major thread through a lot of
> our existence.
> If you want to advocate for a candidate or a political party, then I
> absolutely think you should do so. Write blog posts, make signs and go
> stand next to a busy road, distribute fliers in your neighborhood. Hell,
> organize a rally and a march! Free speech baby, everyone has the right to
> speak up and make themselves heard.
> Donating $20 million dollars to a candidate that goes into an account that
> they can they use to prop up the campaigns of other candidates and buy
> their votes is not speech. It does not promote any principle of democracy.
> It is a financial transaction, an attempt to buy influence, a perversion of
> the notion that all men are created equal and that we all have a solemn
> duty to get in and mix it up in the political arena to form a more perfect
> union.
> Fuck that.

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