Given the degree of vitriol and hatred exhibited by the supporters of
Prop 8, the reaction is understandable - he supported hate based
legislation and did it publicly, while making a public donation to the
cause.. There are always consequences for supporting hatre. Brendan
Eich didn't have to verbally and financially support Prop 8. He didn't
have to support the hatred and accusations of bestiality, pedophilia
etc that the supporters of the proposition kept spewing. So he engaged
in a set of behaviors, and now has to accept the consequences. This
wasn't the government or the so called gay lobby who forced his
resignation, but members of the board and Mozilla employees.

Its very similar to someone donating to a Neo Nazi group - how would a
jewish employee feel about working for someone who supported that sort
of thing.

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson <> wrote:
> I actually think this is a shame. Would have MUCH rather have had him come
> out and talk about why he did so.
> His donation wasn't "large", it was only $1000. Which for people at that
> level is just about a nod.
> I personally detest Prop 8, and the attempt to purposefully codify
> discrimination.
> But I think this should have been handled more as a teaching moment than a
> "peasants at the gates with pitchforks".
> I hope this doesn't stop the conversations.
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Larry C. Lyons <>wrote:
>> The controversy was his large donations to California's Prop 8.

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