They disappeared from the scene because Congressional republicans cut off
their funding.  It's not a conspiracy when the raw footage shows an entirely
different story.  NBot to mention the fact that O'Keefe spent time in jail
for fraud.  Keep on goosestepping Rick...


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [] 
Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 1:21 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Inside a Hollywood Hit Job: H ow Sting Artist Jam es O 'Keefe
Tried to_Set His Latest Trap ââ,¬" And G ot St ung Hims elf - The Daily Bea

So, Eric, you believe the LA State's Attorney? How naive...
Just because a government official
says something is so, doesn't make it so.

I guess you believed, "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it.",
as well.

And, Eric, you're an example of why we have people like O'Keefe running
stings; too gullible to understand the truth unless you see it on tape. And
even the, you see a conspiracy of editing the footage for deception.

And, if ACORN was doing something criminal, or AT THE VERY LEAST, abusing
the system within which they were working, why did they disappear from the

Defending ACORN while accusing O'Keefe of doing something unseemly only
proves your bias and lack of integrity.

Liberals see only the good in liberals and only the bad in conservatives
because of their closed minds.

But, all is fair is war, and, yes, we are at war.

Bring it.


On 5/23/2014 2:03 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
> ACORN wasn't exactly criminal.  The video put out on Fox was edited to 
> make it appear as such.  The LA State's Attorney viewed the raw 
> footage and said that he saw no wrong doing and that the raw footage 
> was completely different than the footage shown on Fox.  I guess Rick 
> here is a good example of the kind of person talked about in the other 
> thread about why people persist on believing things that just are not
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth []
> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2014 12:33 PM
> To: cf-community
> Subject: Re: Inside a Hollywood Hit Job: H ow Sting Artist Jam es O 
> 'Keefe Tried to Set His Latest Trap ââ,¬" And G ot St ung_Hims elf - 
> The Daily Bea s
> O'Keefe didn't get stung. Josh Fox just didn't take the bait.
> That doesn't constitute O'Keefe getting caught trying to do anything 
> except expose hypocrisy of those who are willing to prostitute 
> themselves for personal gain at America's expense.
> Begley's excuse that he's "hard of hearing" is laughable. Only an 
> gullible idiot would sit in on such an important meeting and nod in 
> agreement at whatever was said by a stranger simply to be polite.
> Liberals just can't stand it that the right has someone bringing down 
> their criminal (ACORN) and hypocritical organizations and individuals 
> and the left can't compete.
> The Hollywood big shots beaten at their own game: using movies to 
> taken them down.
> Priceless...
> Rick
> On 5/23/2014 12:26 PM, GMoney wrote:
>> Uh, the part where he reproduced only part of what he said, to make 
>> it appear as something else. Kind of like if i had quoted this:
>> On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 10:59 AM, Sam <> wrote:
>>> O'Keefe got stung.
>> See?

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