This site is the best I've found:

I'm neck deep in work at the moment, but will look your code later and
see I can figure out the problem.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:42 AM, C. Hatton Humphrey <> wrote:
> I remember being pointed somewhere before about getting help for VB.NET but
> at this moment I can't find it (look at the timestamp, there might be a
> reason for that).
> I'm working with a custom class in a disk-based app that creates a text
> file.  One requirement is that if a certain set of parameters is met (name
> and value match), I have to, "copy that line, adjust these values and save
> both lines to the file."
> For brevity's sake I'll annotate my example:
> Public class a
>   Public name as string
>   Public Value1 as Decimal
>   Public Value2 as Decimal
> ...
> End Class
> Dim test as New a()
> ...
> if test.Name = "CopyMe"
>    Dim copy as a = test.clone()
>   copy.Name = "Copied"
>   copy.value1 -= 10
>   copy.value2 += 5
>   test.value2 -= 5
>   writeln(copy)
> End if
> writeln(test)
> Okay, the pseudocode's atrocious but again, look at the hour and forgive me
> please.
> I have tried "shallow" clones as well as "deep" clones (which borked
> because of serialization).  In EVERY case I'm getting the original values
> that were in the test object before it was cloned.  It's as if VB is
> saying, "yeah, I see your code and I'll run it but nothing's going to
> change your values.  I've tried declaring GET and SET properties in the
> class.  The only thing I haven't done (because I didn't think it would be
> necessary) is to either come up with a way to create the copy "fresh"...
> which I don't think would work because the values in the test object aren't
> being adjusted... or somehow move the logic back into the class.
> Anyone have an idea as to why VB is creating the copy and then saying,
> "screw you, I'm not changing any values!"

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