More info...

This was the knife he had...

-----Original Message-----
From: GMoney [] 
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:21 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Man accused of invading white house was a war vet

I read his story this morning. Very sad, and all too common tale i'm afraid.

Grew up in a military family. Wanted to be a soldier all his life.
Enlisted, and then re-enlisted when our second Iraq war deepened. Became
more and more disillusioned in our efforts in Iraq, then got wounded and
became entangled in the VA care mess, with long waits and miles of red-tape
before he got any of his benefits. Treated, unsuccessfully apparently, for
PTSD and depression.

This was a young man dedicated to helping his country.....and this is how
he's been repaid. I don't know who's to blame....maybe these things just
happen, i dunno....but it's really sad. Just a sad story. I hope he gets the
help he needs and DESERVES.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Vivec <> wrote:

> The Texas man accused of breaking into the White House on Friday night 
> while armed with a 3.5-inch knife is a decorated U.S. Iraq war 
> veteran, the U.S. Army said.
> A second man was arrested on Saturday for trespassing at the White 
> House after approaching the White House gates on foot, being sent away 
> and then returned in a vehicle, the Secret Service said.
> Read more:
> <
> Ye&enc=AZN6E-rWTADu6jEs6_dS5ScyQJeDp9f3TVo0RwwAhluaaEtKJFmNj5L0EfeOoe6
> mLXxIFVMzI0OAKbJW1t_jJfYWfUA8jgbsKiVAz1ExDXVFpMo_g5itV-xgRTgS6ZOdI3oIq
> 8zOcO1XpKgHCAQRNjLu&s=1
> >
> --------
> This is the second incident, the last someone got onto the lawn. This 
> time someone made it INTO the white house. What's up with that , 
> secret service??

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