..that you don't personally know Larry Hagman <g>

Tasteful funeral

Ted Williams' heirs may be feuding over what to do with his body now that the 
legendary slugger has passed on to that
field of dreams in the sky, but Larry Hagman, of dimly remembered "Dallas" and "I 
Dream of Jeannie" fame, is spelling
out his last requests in no uncertain terms.

"When I die, I want my friends to eat me," Hagman told celebrity researcher Baird 
Jones the other day. "I want to be fed
through a wood chipper, be spread over a wheat field, then have a cake baked from the 
crop for all my pals to munch on."
Don't think he hasn't contemplated the alternatives.

"Cremation's fine, but it uses an awful lot of energy," Hagman says. "Burying someone 
in a steel casket doesn't do any
good. I want to return to the earth as soon as possible."

Thus, the cake plan.

"I want the cake to be made of half marijuana, which makes people so much less violent 
than booze, and people should
learn to eat pot rather than smoke it because it damages the heart and lungs less that 
way," Hagman opines.

Shocked at the aging actor's drug endorsement? Hagman contends you shouldn't be, 
bleating, "It's high time someone my
age talked this way."

High being the operative word.


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