Cantrell, Adam wrote:
> Of all the reasons a person wouldn't want to travel to China (getting
> lynched for being the imperial white devil), the last I'd expect is the fear
> of receiving a tainted blood transfusion. What are the chances you'd
> experience a situation you would even need a transfusion? That just seems
> overly precautious to be worrying about that. 

My experience in Asia is that many people look up to you for being 
white, they don't see you as an imperial white devil (or red devil in my 
case :)

> I'd go to China in a minute if our western media hadn't imprinted my fragile
> little brain with thoughts of severe "caning" of the back for spitting on
> the sidewalk, oppressive government that will be watching your every move,
> diets consisting of rabid dog and rats, and all the other things that
> probably aren't nearly as bad as the News portrays.

Caning for spitting is Singapore. Although if it really was as bad as 
they make you believe I wouldn't be sitting here right now :) Oppressive 
governments tend to know how much cash tourism generates, and rat 
actually tastes pretty nice.


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