The obvious response: Thought Police!!!

Interestingly, about 12 years ago a car company was going to install these
types of devices into cars to alert drivers when their attention was
wandering. It didn't happen.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 1:46 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: NASA going to read your minds at airports.
> "Airport security screeners may soon try to read the minds of travelers
> to identify terrorists. Top Stories
>      Officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have
> told Northwest Airlines security specialists that the agency is
> developing brain-monitoring devices in cooperation with a commercial
> firm, which it did not identify.
>      Space technology would be adapted to receive and analyze brain-wave
> and heartbeat patterns, then feed that data into computerized programs
> "to detect passengers who potentially might pose a threat," according to
> briefing documents obtained by The Washington Times.
>      NASA wants to use "noninvasive neuro-electric sensors," imbedded in
> gates, to collect tiny electric signals that all brains and hearts
> transmit. Computers would apply statistical algorithms to correlate
> physiologic patterns with computerized data on travel routines, criminal
> background and credit information from "hundreds to thousands of data
> sources," NASA documents say.
>      The notion has raised privacy concerns. Mihir Kshirsagar of the
> Electronic Privacy Information Center says such technology would only
> add to airport-security chaos. "A lot of people's fear of flying would
> send those meters off the chart. Are they going to pull all those people
> aside?"
> ------------------------------------
> Hahahaahah!
> -Gel
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