> It was the application form that stated: Please provide member site url in
> Business description :(
> I've got the resources to host a site, just want to make sure there could
> a need for this.
Well what you could do is set up a single page that allows people to
register their interest in joining a South West based.  If you want some
content to put up, then both the Northern UK CFUG and the UKCFUG have simple
xml feeds of various content from the sites.

> I went to the MX showcase held in Bath sometime ago and that was rather
> empty.
No offense to the chaps/chapesses at MM down south, cos I know there's only
a few of them down there and they work their butts off, but this last lot of
seminars didn't get a whole lot of publicity (I think I found out about the
one up in Edinburgh via email on the day it was happening)


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