
not to me.


very (to me).


>  I never said, "Thou shalt not think."
>  - -God
>  Okay, you've got multiplying down. Now let's try replenishing for a while.
>  - -God
>  I don't care who started it. Just stop it.
>  - -God
>  If you seek to know my ways, read a damn science book.
>  - -God
>  You'd better have stopped fighting by the time I get back, or you're all
>  grounded.
>  - -God
>  Six days? Yeah, right. I'm a scientist, not a magician.
>  - -God
>  If I wanted you to have seven kids, I would have given you a bigger
> planet.
>  - -God
>  You're not tracking those bloody footprints in here.
>  - -God
>  E=mc˛. Yeah, that's one of mine.
>  - -God
>  You can have another kid when you learn to take care of the first one.
>  - -God
>  The dinosaurs didn't believe in you either.
>  - -God
>  Excuse me? Where do you see my name on the front of the Bible?
>  - -God
>  Only six thousand years old? Oh, that's a good one.
>  - -God
>  Just look at this planet! Do you expect me to clean this up?
>  - -God
>  I love Marilyn Manson, too. Maybe more than I love you.
>  - -God
>  Here's a clue-if they say they're doing it in my name, they're lying.
>  - -God
>  I'm flattered you liked my book so much. Now why don't you read something
>  new?
>  - -God
>  I'm concerned about children's education. I favor lower child-to-parent
>  ratios.
>  - -God
>  I gave you a bigger brain for a reason. Start using it.
>  - -God
>  Want to know how old the earth is? Ask the earth, not the Bible.
>  - -God
>  If you don't clean this place up, you won't get another millennium.
>  - -God
>  I don't blame video games when my children start shooting each other.
>  - -God
>  I like to kick things off with a bang. A Big Bang.
>  - -God
>  If you didn't hear it straight from my lips, take it with a grain of salt.
>  - -God
>  All this will someday be your children's.
>  - -God
>  There is no such thing as killing in my name.
>  - -God
>  Stop smirking, America. I'm talking to you, too.
>  - -God
> Beth F, denizen of Anchorage, AK
> Owned by Kavik (samoyed) and Toklat (keeshond)
> Owner of a Rans Gliss,  Bacchetta Giro, Trek R200, Kickbike and Merlin, the
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