At 03:49 PM 10/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Lewis, who's 'these guys'? NASA? United Space Alliance?

I was talking about U.S.A. NASA's prime contractor, which does operate as 
part of the government same as NASA. (You can read all this on their public 

>If it was NASA, didn't they make you sign something so that you wouldn't
>tell us goons about their technology infrastructure? I could care less, just
>wondering if you did any interesting work for them and how secretive they
>were about it. I remember having to deal with them when they would always
>point out hack attempts originating from the ISP I worked for (EnterAct, now
>21st Century, now RCN). Seemed like they had their hands full with hack
>attempts; I'm sure they still do.

When was the last time anyone had dealings with a US Government agency that 
didn't take months, involving copious faxes and signatures of some kind? I 
can mention I've done business with them. They however will probably 
official deny it. (In general, per government regulations, their agencies 
can not endorse other companies, thus for instance they can't say anything 
even to the extend of what brand of computers or operating systems they are 
using without running afoul of said regulations.)


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