I disagree.  I kinda like the idea of royalty.  There's something romantic
in it.  And coming from my background, having a king or queen to look up to
just brings a lot of pride.  To me, stripping it away is tantamount to going
clubbing with your Pastor.

You don't want to make him your equal in a sense.  You want to keep him as
he is.  A leader, a confidant.

Or think of it this way.  Celebrities are basically in their own class
system.  I know this world would be alot better off without them, but face
it.  WE NEED EM to keep our lives entertaining.

So if the Royal Fmaily is worth anything, it's for our own entertainment.

-----Original Message-----
From: Will Swain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:59 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Queen of England in Ontario

Classy --

As an englishman, I have to say that I think the queen and the royal family
as a whole are representative of an outmoded class system that we should be
doing our best to rid ourselves of.


-----Original Message-----
From: Harkins,Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 October 2002 16:45
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Queen of England in Ontario

Yes, your reaction is typical of a lot of people. I used to feel the same
but every evidence I have seen has given me the impression she is a very
classy lady, and more than that a genuine and interesting person. I am
personally a fan of hers, but to each his own! :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: FlashGuy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 11:31 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Queen of England in Ontario
> Yup...Royal family...what a load of crock!

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