Sorry, I was just trying to make a point on where do you draw the line on
which disability is appropriate for a "legitimate" lawsuit.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Johnson [mailto:jjohnson@;]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 3:30 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Judge rules web sites are not covered by ADA

Actually, one of the suits was because SPEED was a factor in the phone
voting (and subsequently on the final selection challenge to sit in the hot
seat), so a person felt discriminated against because they think _slowly_.

Which in fact does have to do with mental ability. Not necessarily with
intelligence, but with reaction/computational speed.

As my math teacher in high school, Mr. King, always said - "you've gotta be
fast _and_ accurate".

Jerry Johnson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/23/02 04:13PM >>>
*sigh* Phoeun,
It had nothing to do with mental ability. They were referring to the fact
that in order to get on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" a person had to be
able to use the number keys on a phone. So if, for example, you can't move
your arms, it's pretty hard to punch numbers, while your brain may be
completely capable of answering the stupid questions.

Deanna Schneider
Interactive Media Developer

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