true.... true.....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:pra@;]
> Subject: RE: Big "dummy" flags

> Please note that some of this guy's comments are complete and utter
> rubbish
> 2 examples;
> <cfif status IS "Okay">
>  <cftransaction action="commit">
>  <cfquery...></cfquery></cfif></cftransaction>
> This is his example of some code - note that the <CFIF> and
> <CFTRANSACTION> are unbalanced - if that's meant to be a working
> example, welcome to JIT error time...
> Format data within your code, not your SQL data type.
> For example, imagine you have a field named "Price". Rather than
> specifying the datatype "money" in your SQL database, specify INT and
> use the ColdFusion function Dollar format(#Price#).
> What he's saying here is "If you want a money type, then don't worry
> about the pennies, the database will kill them for you" - using Int to
> store a money is just asking for trouble - unless you can 
> you'll never need to store anything apart from whole dollars...
> If this is meant to be advice for new developers, then it includes bad
> advice
> Philip Arnold
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