> OK...I'm getting there. I have the service running.
Heh heh... Cool...

> I've created my database and table
> with MySQL-Front.  I'm in the process of creating the fields but I'm stuck
on what type
> from the Field-Properties, Length/Set and Default Value to select.
That depends on your data....  Take a look at the mySQL documentation on
data types. http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Column_types.html and
http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/Other-vendor_column_types.html might be useful
to you.

> Also Table-Type?
> Options are:
> Automatic (by default)
> InnoDB
ISAM is probably going to be ok (and is probably the automatic choice), but
you probably should read up on handling transactions with ISAM or InnoDB if
you want to get into atomic transactions.....
Have a read....

> These are the fields from my access database:
> ID (automatically generated by Access) Do I include this field
> when I "import" the comma-delimited file exported from Access?
Yep...  You have AutoIncrement in mySQL too.

> field1 (text. Could be 5-20 characters long)

> field2 (text. This field is updated from another database. It will be a
> comma-delimited string from 5 to possibly 1000+ characters)

> There are also other boxes to check:
> [  ] Primary
Says that this field is a primary key.

> [  ] Index
Says that this field will be indexed (makes for faster queries if a column
is indexed, but don't go crazy indexing everything)

> [  ] Unique
Says this field must contain unique values.  No one alike.

> [  ] Unsigned (This was checked by default)
For mumeric fields : Means that the values are positive only.

> [  ] Zerofil
Will zero fill a numeric field.  eg you have 5 digit field and enter 123,
the db will automatically make it 00123

> [  ] Not Full
This should be NOT NULL - means that the field can't be empty.

> [  ] AutoIncrement
AutoIncrement ~ AutoNumber in access

> How do I proceed?

RTFM ;o)



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