Have you tried doing an ODBC import?

Select that from the Im/Export menu on mySQLFront, then you'll be able to
select your Access database directly from your computer.  The rest should be
fairly obvious.

mySQLFront is usually pretty good at that....  It'll generate your tables
too, but if it has any problems you'll have to create the tables by hand...
If you still have problems try DBTools....

As I said, mySQL Front is my favourite, but sometime DBTools will crow bar
an access table into mySQL where mySQLFront fails....


----- Original Message -----
From: "FlashGuy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 6:19 PM
Subject: OT: CF and mySQL - cont'd thread

> I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've check the DOC but I can't seem to
import a comma-delimited text file exported from Access into mySQL.
> I've created the database, table and fields. WHen I do a Import texfile
everything looks OK via MySQL-Front. My text file contains only commas as
delimiters separating each
> field.
> MySQl fields and settings:
> ID (Type: TinyINT(3), Primary Key, autoincrement)
> var (longtext)
> destination (longtext)
> Access fields:
> ID (generated automatically by Access)
> var
> destination
> When I import the text file anf go into data I should have 841 entries but
I only see 127? I see no text in the fields other than (Memo).
> What am I doing wrong?
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Colonel Nathan R. Jessop
> Commanding Officer
> Marine Ground Forces
> Guatanamo Bay, Cuba
> ---------------------------------------------------
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