exactly who cares what the "SOCIETY" definiation of beautiful. Whatever you
believe (whether shaped by societys views or no) is your belief and if you
want to have bigger boobs or a tummy tuck fine. Lifes too short to be
unhappy and a few thousand bucks to make your quality of life better in your
own eyes is all that matters.

Glad there was someone that could put it into words better then i ;)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Ledwith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: Boobs (Was RE: What a brilliant Day!!!!)

> A few months ago I was contacted by a well known plastic surgeon in San
> Francisco, requesting some services that would require me to be in his
> office for a number of days.  My first thought was "oh, jeez, this is
> going to be a trip, all these trophy wives coming in for augmentations".
> I couldn't have been more wrong.
> While I was there I saw dozens of women and men come in, completely
> normal, average, plain-Jane (and plain-Jack) people you see every day,
> at the office, at the grocery, at church.  A number of women came in for
> breast augmentation consultations, and a few men for peck-inserts (or
> whatever the medical term for that is...).  No one wanted to look like a
> stripper, they just weren't happy.  A number of them were coming in,
> looking for a bit of a "lift", as they had had a few children over the
> years, and they felt that they were starting to look, and therefore
> feel, older than they were.  I see nothing abnormal or wrong with a
> beautiful 45 year old wanting to look their age.
> There's a stigma about those who seek cosmetic surgery, and it's really
> not just.  I've since learned that a number of people I know had one
> procedure or another done, and I never knew it.  God bless them all, as
> they are all happier now.  If I'm going to spend a few thousand on a
> watch, partially for cosmetic reasons, most people wouldn't have an
> issue with that... What's the problem with someone spending some money
> on their body?
> --> -----Original Message-----
> --> From: Harkins,Patrick [mailto:HarkinPA@;MapleLeaf.ca]
> --> Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 9:11 AM
> --> To: CF-Community
> --> Subject: Boobs (Was RE: What a brilliant Day!!!!)
> -->
> --> Well-said Deanna! On that note did you ever see "before" pictures of
> --> Pamela
> --> Anderson? She was quite striking.... Anyways, I agree - women are
> --> beautiful
> --> and sexy as they are and do not need to try to conform to some
> societal
> --> norm
> --> of attractiveness.
> -->
> --> Patrick
> -->
> --> > -----Original Message-----
> --> > From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:deanna.schneider@;ces.uwex.edu]
> --> > Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 9:59 AM
> --> > To: CF-Community
> --> > Subject: Re: What a brilliant Day!!!!
> --> >
> --> >
> --> > Hey Critz,
> --> > Not trying to be a downer....just realistic. I think that
> --> > lots of women are
> --> > told they'll be more beautiful, accepted, popular, talented,
> --> > etc. if they
> --> > have bigger boobs. In reality, bigger boobs are just bigger
> --> > boobs, and they
> --> > come with a lot of hassles. I didn't even mention things like
> --> > not having men
> --> > look you in the face when they talk to you, or being
> --> > instantly perceived as
> --> > stupid because of your looks. I don't actually have those
> --> > issues so much,
> --> > cause I dress to minimize. But, a friend of mine who has a little
> more
> --> > self-esteem about her body type gets some pretty wacky
> --> > attention by men. I'm
> --> > not some sort of militant feminist. I think it's great that
> --> > my friend feels
> --> > comfortable showing off her body. I just hate to see people
> --> > mess with their
> --> > bodies when (most likely) she's beautiful just the way she is.
> --> > -d
> --> >
> --> >
> --> >
> --> > Deanna Schneider
> --> > Interactive Media Developer
> --> >
> --> >
> -->
> -->
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