F**king idiots!

Another in a long (and growing longer) list of cases of "I'm too stupid to
take my own health seriously...who can I sue 'cause I'm a lazy worthless

Ate at McDonalds "every day for three [f**king] years" and lived in a
homeless shelter?!?!? WTF?!?!? hmmm...I can put together $4 a meal and go
eat at McDonalds but I just can't get the rest of my life figured out???

"...ate McDonald's...three to four times a week and is now 5-foot-4 and
weighs 278 pounds." hmmmm...7 days in a week...3 meals in a day...so let me
see...he ate 3-4 of *21* meals at McDonalds and *THAT* is what caused him to
get fat? WTF?!?!?!


Oh, and before anybody jumps on me 'cause of the "lazy worthless fat-ass"
thing, I used to weigh 320# and stand 6'0" tall. I took my own weight and my
own health into serious consideration and over the past two years I have
reduced my weight to 260# my goal is 220# and I am about a year away from it
(Atkins and exercise, baby!).

And believe me, if *I* can do it *anyone* can!

McDonalds *did not* make me fat. *I did.* (I don't like fast food...too much
salt) Or rather *my* actions (or lack of action) did...

I'm sick and goddamned tired of these worthless morons.

my $0.02


William H. Bowen

ALSTOM's T&D Energy Automation & Information Business

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Haley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 9:13 AM
Subject: omg - the lawsuits just got worse

> Now someone has a class action lawsuit against the golden arches ... his
argument ... "They're all fricken sheep" ...
> http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/11/21/fast.food.lawsuit.ap/
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