It says the jury bought the argument that the DMCA is a Draconian piece of legislation 
brought on by a pigopoly.  They bought the argument that the reverse engineering of 
the cryptic locking methods was legal when done for personal use. 

When the DMCA and RIAA are taken to their logical conclusions (read 10-15 years of 
enforcement and technology enhancements) you will be paying for each and every time 
you watch your purchased DVD movie in the future and if you circumvent the system you 
will be committing a felony.

Next step is for a better test case of the DMCA to get moved all the way to the 
supreme court. The DMCA lawyers were just getting their feet with Dimitry.  And the 
thing that sucks the most... the FBI was helping.  Meanwhile, real terrorists are .... 
oh don't get me started.

At 05:39 PM 12/17/02, you wrote:
>It changes the enforcement of the law, and perhaps the interpretation
>as well. The FBI will think twice before arresting a foreign national
>of DMCA violations, when some company complains. Also judges have a
>clear precedent when the defendant is not American.
>How did the jury know they did not intend to violate any laws, when he
>explicitly came to the US to give a talk about the program?
>I'm assuming it's because the program is not illegal in Russia.
>Hence the international loophole.
>I'm not sure why intentions mattered though, intentions do not absolve
>guilt usually, and only matter during sentencing. In saying that they
>found him not guilty because he didn't intend to break the law, they
>are saying that, he actually is guilty of breaking the law, but still
>found him not guilty.
>Does anyone know why intentions mattered in this case? Would that be a
>special circumstance because he was not American?
> jon
>Tuesday, December 17, 2002, 8:03:16 PM, you wrote:
>NM> All this says is that the Russian company did not intend to break any laws 
>NM> when they did this.
>NM> It doesn't change the DMCA in anyway.
>NM> At 04:32 PM 12/17/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>>>DMCA loses in federal court
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