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Managing negotiations between users of a computer network by automatically
engaging in proposed activity using parameters of counterproposal of other

Interactions between users of a computer network are facilitated by
transmitting a first user's proposal for an activity to another user, with
the proposal including one or more parameters descriptive of the proposed
activity. A response received from the other user may include a
counterproposal having one or more parameters descriptive of the proposed
activity, with at least one of the parameters of the counterproposal
differing from a corresponding parameter of the proposal. The users
automatically engage in the proposed activity using the parameters included
in the counterproposal upon acceptance of the counterproposal by the first

What is claimed is: 

1. A computer-implement method of facilitating interactions between users of
a computer network, the method comprising: 

transmitting a first user's proposal for an activity to another user; the
proposal comprising one or more parameters descriptive of the proposed

receiving a response from the other user, the response comprising a
counterproposal having one or more parameters descriptive of the proposed
activity, with at least one of the parameters of the counterproposal
differing from a corresponding parameter of the proposal; and 

automatically engaging in the proposed activity using the parameters
included in the counterproposal upon acceptance of the counterproposal by
the first user. 

2. The method of claim 1 wherein the proposed activity comprises a chat

3. The method of claim 2 wherein the parameters describe a proposed topic on
which the chat session will be focused. 

4. The method of claim 2 wherein the parameters describe a proposed channel
in which the chat session will take place. 

5. The method of claim 1 wherein the proposed activity comprises an online

6. The method of claim 5 wherein the parameters specify proposed
participants in the proposed online game. 

7. The method of claim 1 further comprising transmitting a response to the
counterproposal, the counterproposal response comprising an acceptance, a
rejection, or a second counterproposal. 

8. The method of claim 7 wherein a rejection indicates disagreement with at
least one parameter of the proposal. 

9. The method of claim 7 wherein an acceptance indicates agreement to all
parameters of the proposal. 

10. The method of claim 1 wherein the parameters are completely descriptive
of the proposed activity. 

11. The method of claim 7 further comprising iteratively responding to
further counterproposals until acceptance or rejection occurs. 

12. The method of claim 1 further comprising issuing a cancellation of a
proposal or counterproposal. 

13. The method of claim 12 wherein the cancellation must be issued before
acceptance or rejection of the proposal or counterproposal occurs. 

14. The method of claim 13 wherein the cancellation is transmitted by the
user that transmitted the proposal or counterproposal to which the
cancellation applies. 

15. The method of claim 14 wherein the cancellation includes a reason for
the cancellation. 

16. The method of claim 1 wherein the response can further comprise an
ignore indication. 

17. The method of claim 16 wherein receipt of the ignore indication acts as
a rejection of the proposal or counterproposal. 

18. The method of claim 16 wherein the ignore indication is issued based on
an explicit act by a user. 

19. The method of claim 16 wherein the ignore indication is issued based on
inaction by a user. 

20. The method of claim 1 further comprising transmitting a message
registering displeasure with the counterproposal. 

21. The method of claim 20 wherein the message registering displeasure
comprises an "Evil" message. 

22. The method of claim 21 wherein an Evil message has a cumulative effect
upon a recipient's ability to use the computer network. 

23. The method of claim 22 wherein the cumulative effect grows

24. The method of claim 1 wherein the first user's proposal is based on text
or data entered by the first user. 

25. The method of claim 24 wherein the first user's proposal is based on
text entered by the first user. 

26. The method of claim 1 wherein the response is transmitted automatically.

27. The method of claim 1 wherein the proposal includes an instant message. 

28. The method of claim 1 wherein the response includes an instant message. 

29. A computer-implemented method of producing an optimal environment for an
online activity involving two or more computer network users, the method

allowing a first user to send a proposal for an online activity to one or
more other users, the proposal specifying parameters associated with the
proposed online activity; and 

enabling the first user and one or more other users to negotiate the
parameters of the proposal using counterproposals that specify parameters
associated with the proposed online activity, with at least one of the
counterproposal parameters differing from the parameters of the proposal,
until an agreement is reached. 

30. The method of claim 29 wherein allowing a first user to send a proposal
is implemented using a negotiation protocol. 

31. The method of claim 29 wherein negotiating parameters of the proposal
comprises selectively exchanging one or more counterproposal messages until
an acceptance or a rejection occurs. 

32. The method of claim 29, wherein the online activity comprises one or
more of the following activities: 

exchanging voice messages, playing an online game, finding a route from one
client computer to another, transferring files, direct instant messaging,
exchanging avatars, or participating in a chat room. 

33. The method of claim 29, wherein the online activity comprises

34. The method of claim 29, wherein the online activity comprises a
collaborative effort on a project. 

35. A negotiation protocol for facilitating interactions between users on a
computer network, the protocol comprising: 

a proposal message type including parameters descriptive of a proposed

an acceptance message type indicating agreement with all parameters of a

a rejection message type indicating disagreement with at least one of a
proposal's parameters; and 

a cancel message type for withdrawing a proposal issued in a previous
proposal message. 

36. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the rejection message type
indicates that the proposed activity was denied by a recipient of the

37. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the rejection message type
indicates that a recipient of the proposal explicitly ignored the proposal. 

38. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the rejection message type
indicates that the proposal timed-out. 

39. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the proposal message type
can be used to issue a counterproposal message in response to a received
proposal message, the counterproposal message including at least one
parameter that differs from the proposal message's parameters. 

40. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the proposal, acceptance,
rejection and cancel message types can be used to negotiate the parameters
of one or more of following activities: exchanging voice messages, playing
an online game, finding a route from one client computer to another,
transferring files, direct instant messaging, exchanging avatars, or
participating in a chat room. 

41. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the rejection message type
indicates that the proposed activity is unsupported by a client computer
associated with a recipient of the proposal. 

42. The negotiation protocol of claim 35 wherein the rejection message type
indicates that the proposal message could not be understood. 

43. A computer-based system for facilitating interactions among users of a
computer-network, the system comprising: 

two or more client computers having software that allows different users to
interact with each other; and 

a negotiation protocol, supported by each of the client computers, that
allows users to negotiate parameters of an online activity using
counterproposals that modify parameters of the online activity. 

44. The system of claim 43 in which the software on the client computers
enables users to interact in one or more of the following activities:
exchanging voice messages, playing an online game, finding a route from one
client computer to another, transferring files, direct instant messaging,
exchanging avatars, or participating in a chat room. 

45. The system of claim 43 in which the client computer software comprises
an instant messaging client application. 

46. The system of claim 43 in which the negotiation protocol comprises the
following message types: 

a proposal message type including parameters descriptive of a proposed

an acceptance message type indicating agreement with all parameters of a

a rejection message type indicating disagreement with at least one of a
proposal's parameters; and 

a cancel message type for withdrawing a proposal issued in a previous
proposal message. 

47. The system of claim 46 in which negotiation protocol messages are
exchanged among users until mutually agreeable parameters of an online
activity are established. 

48. The system of claim 43 further comprising a software-implemented
mechanism for registering displeasure with a user's behavior during a
negotiation session. 

49. The system of claim 48 wherein the mechanism for registering displeasure
enables a user to affect another user's ability to access system resources. 

50. A computer protocol process for conducting a negotiation between two or
more online computer users, including a first user and a second user, with
the objective of engaging in a mutually desirable online activity in an
environment having specified characteristics, the process comprising: 

(a) issuing a proposal message from the first user to the second user, the
proposal message specifying the particular environmental characteristics
desired by the first user; 

(b) issuing a first response from the second user to the first user, the
response comprising an accept message indicating agreement with the
proposal, a reject message indicating disagreement with at least one aspect
of the proposal, or a counterproposal offering to change one or more aspects
of the proposal; 

(c) if the second user issues a counterproposal, issuing a second response
from the first user to the second user, the second response comprising an
accept message indicating agreement with the counterproposal, a reject
message indicating disagreement with at least one aspect of the
counterproposal, or another counterproposal offering to change one or more
aspects of the counterproposal; and 

(d) repeating steps (b) and (c) until acceptance, rejection or cancellation
occur, cancellation representing a withdrawal of a proposal or

51. A computer-implemented method of facilitating e-commerce transactions
between users of a computer network, the method comprising: 

transmitting to another user a first user's proposal for an e-commerce
transaction; the proposal comprising one or more parameters descriptive of
the proposed transaction; 

receiving a response from the other user, the response comprising a
counterproposal having one or more parameters descriptive of the proposed
transaction, with at least one of the parameters of the counterproposal
differing from the corresponding parameters of the proposal; and 

automatically completing the proposed transaction using the parameters
included in the counterproposal upon acceptance of the counterproposal by
the first user. 

52. The method of claim 51, wherein the e-commerce transaction comprises a
sale/purchase of goods/services. 

53. The method of claim 51, wherein the e-commerce transaction comprises a
sale/purchase of intangible property. 

54. The method of claim 51, wherein the parameters of the proposal comprise
price, delivery details, model, style, color, and warranty details. 

55. Computer software, tangibly embodied in a computer-readable medium or
propagated carrier signal, for facilitating interaction among users of a
computer network, the software comprising instructions for causing a
computer system to perform the following operations: 

allow a first user to send a proposal for an online activity to one or more
other users, the proposal specifying parameters associated with the proposed
online activity; and 

enable the first user and one or more other users to negotiate the
parameters of the proposal using counterproposals that specify parameters
associated with the proposed online activity, with at least one of the
counterproposal parameters differing from the parameters of the proposal,
until an agreement is reached. 

Senior Programmer/Analyst - Technology Services
Three Limited Parkway  Columbus, Ohio 43230
614/415.7647  f 614/415.7431  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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