Yeah Jim,

The dog would walk up from out of nowhere, drop a crumbling Windows CD on
the ground, sit back and bark. Twice.

Everyone in the group would have a good and hearty laugh.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 4:13 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: RE: Microsoft plots Macromedia coup against Java

>Because this is a CF-COMMUNITY list.
>John Wayne would put his rifle over his shoulder and tell you to take 
>your commie .NET crap back to your masters at the evil empire and tell 
>them we are better than that!
>A crowd would roar approval, and the jeep they tied you up in would 
>speed off back towards some place whose name ends in '-slavia' while a 
>bombastic patriotic theme played, a girl came up and kissed the Duke 
>and a blind kid with a broken leg who was hurt by .NET threw off his 
>crutches, screamed about being able to see and started to walk again.

Hey - you forgot the dog!  What about the damn dog!

Jim Davis

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