Good morning - just going through some links, and this one reminded me of
this list.

"In many ways, programmers and their ilk are victims of their own
overeducation. They tend to be Ayn Rand-reading, Heinlein-worshipping,
independent, antisocial, and libertarian in their political views. Put three
programmers in the same room, and you'll get four opinions on everything
from bombing Iraq to statutory rape."

hehe, nailed it.

ps. I don't think I'd like a programmers' union. Who wants to be grouped
with a bunch of others who might just call themselves 'programmers', and
then have some structured pay rate where everyone gets the same compensation
regardless of their skill/production level. If somebody could find a good
gauge for measuring productiveness in regards to programming, which I think
there have been multiple books written claiming that you can't really, I
think I might join it then.

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