Don't you find it at least a bit ironic that only 4 years ago the 
republicans were ranting about unfunded federal mandates, and now 
with the No Child Left Behind act and similar initiatives, the 
republican controlled Federal Government has instituted far more 
unfunded mandates.


>Did anyone hear the comments made by Robert Reisch where he said:
>Since the the Federal Govt. is making tax cuts, they have decided not to
>increase funding to states which are already in dire straights.  This
>directly affects the public schools since 50% of their funding comes
>from the govt.  Since the Fed Govt. is imposing new testing laws that
>will require extra funds to prepare students for this test which will
>take away from the normal education they would receive.  So, schools in
>more affluent districts will be able to raise property taxes, while
>other districts just will make more cuts in the education programs.
>I guess that this is the reason that the tax cuts are only good until
>2011.  GW won't be president then and he'll have been out of the office
>for either 6 or 2 years, so the blame won't fall to him.  This way, he's
>perceived as the president who made tax cuts and someone else is stuck
>with the blame (next pres. or the states in the above point).   Got to
>love politics!
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