Please look at the following 3 sentences:
    You've got a cute ass.
    Your a smart ass.
    Your an ass hole.
It is possible that all 3 may appear on this list, but the question is, are any
appropriate? Lets examine.
The first sentence is making a quasi-sexual reference to a part of a person that
is not considered 'public'. Some may take it as a compliment, but usually
someone would take offence to it. As such, please be very sure on how and who
you use this with. Not only this, but all permutations of it. Personally, if
someone said I had a cute ass, I'd refer them to my wife as she likes to know
that others admire what is essentially her property. :)
The second sentence is a reference to how someone presents themselves and is
usually said as a compliment. There are very few who would take offence to it
and a little care should be taken in who its said to. In my review of the list
and the times its been used, I'd have to say that everyone who's ever been
called a smart ass was asking for it and took it as a compliment. My comment
above makes me a smart ass. :)
The third sentence is an attack, plain and simple. It is the failure on
someone's part to communicate their argument in a clear and concise format. When
used, there is almost no chance it will be taken as a compliment or positively
at all, even with a smiley face.
When using any of the above three sentences or any derivatives of them, please
pay attention to WHY your using them and if they are appropriate. We're all
adults here; some more than others, but we are all are talking in what is
essentially a public space. What we say tells people about us. How we react to
what people say does the same.
Please try to be civil here and if you have use the above terms, be sure you
mean to do so. And if any of the above terms are used against you and you take
offense, there's two things to do.
1. Ignore the person
2. Rebut their argument or usage
Thank you all for being so mature in your outlook and solutions to the various
potential problems that may arise on this list.

Michael Dinowitz
Master of the House of Fusion


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