I don't really have a favorite actor, but I like to claim Rudolph Valentino.
His sense of humor really came to the front in Cobra.  :-)

I was born in Athens, GA.

I love Italian foods of all sorts, but especially a good lasagna with 5 or
so kinds of cheese and some italian sausage and some shredded spinach and
... I could go on about this for a while.

I don't drink, so I don't really have a favorite beer.  However, Sam Adams
and Guiness don't smell too bad.

Life is OK for me, though I get rather lonely.

I've been listening to a lot of punk music lately, though I also like dance,
techno, rock, good bluegrass, old hiphop, etc.

I believe in extraterrestrial life, though I don't think any has visited

I have no tattoos or piercings.

I've done enough wierd things that no one jumps out as the wierdest.  How
about using pool noodles as light sabers to stage a large battle in WalMart?

If by 'Lost it' you mean my mind, I was 19.  If by 'it' you mean my
virginity, the answer stands.

I am neither married nor a father.  Trust me, the girls I've been with would
let me know /loudly/ if I was either.  :-)

I love my royal blue velvet 3/4-sleeve shirt.  I look sharp in it (though I
looked even sexier before I lost so much weight).

I have two younger sisters.

I made it through most of my bachelor's degree before dropping out, but I'm
mostly self-taught anyway.  I've been playing with computers since I was 3
or so.  :-)

I have never eaten at Chipotle.

My favorite movie is probably Sneakers, though Dogma comes close.

I've never left the US, and would love to go anywhere.  Right now, I'm
itchin' to go to New Zealand and see hobbit holes.

Nothing happens after I die.  The world is a figment of my imagination, and
so will cease to exist.

I drive a 2002 Saturn SL.  Blue with a pinstripe.  No stupid spoiler.

My favorite position is shortstop.

When I eat Krispy Kremes, I usually eat 2 plain glazed and either a jelly
bizmark or a kruller.  But I don't allow myself the pleasure often.  For the
record, the most I've ever eaten at once was 13 (before I was diabetic).

I hardly ever party.

I don't have any pets in my apartment.  My parents have a cat that might be
considered 'mine' because she hates most people, dislikes the rest, but
loves me.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.

If I could live anywhere in the world right now, I'd move to St. Paul, MN.
I feel like I never 'finished' it, if that makes any sense.

Favorite pies are (in order) strawberry, not-quite-pumpkin (made with
butternut squash, ask me for the recipie) and apple.

I have no idea what a goatie is (unless it's a small goat) but goatees rock.
Especially mine.

I have never worn a bra -- the one time I was going to, I couldn't find one
that would fit around my ribcage without stretching until the owner couldn't
wear it.

It takes (pi^e) times the largest prime smaller than 42 licks to get to the
center of a tootsie pop.

Fortune can't make up it's mind whether to smile or rain on me.

Star Wars (episodes 4-6), Even numbered Star Trek movies, TNG, Enterprise,
early DS9.  The rest suck.

I'm not going to worry about my safety based on a governmental security
warning.  Who would want to bomb semi-rural KY?

Fall is the best season, followed by spring.  I like sweaters.  :-)

I have technically used illegal drugs, in that I've taken other people's
perscriptions.  However, I was instructed to do so by a doctor, and the
other people were less than half my body wieght.

Vanilla most of the time, but when I want chocolate I WANT CHOCOLATE NOW

I've seen 1 episode of American Idol.  It was OK, but not enough to make me
schedule visits to my parents' house (the most convenient TV).

I wouldn't do anything for a Klondike bar.  I prefer ice cream sandwiches.

I think it would be cool to live in space, but I like to go outside once and
a while.  You know, just to see that Day Star thing.

I do not work out per se, but I've started walking with my Mom every other
day or so.

Pineapple is my favorite fruit.

Right now, McD's beats BK becuase they have the McRib again.  :-)  Mmmm.
Dead pig.

I am right handed.

My favorite single piece of music is probably Fur Elise.

Pens for most stuff, pencils (bic mechanicals with the little rubber finger
grip) for software design, math, other technical stuff.  On grid paper.

I really liked visiting San Francisco, and would like to go back to hang
out, though I wouldn't want to live there.

Dogs are annoying, most cats are, too.  I think I'm probably a snake person,
or (if you insist on mammals) a rat person.

If I miss West Wing, something big is going down.

I hate when /anyone/ avoids the question.  I'd rather just be told they
don't want to answer that.

Obviously, I'd rather be writing silly emails that have nothing to do with
earning a living than working.  I'd also rather be reading a good book,
seeing a good movie, or cuddling with a cute girl.  Or some combination

A school bus with a couple dozen coed high school students on a long trip at
night is the Pimpmobile.  Trust me on this one, I know.  :-)

Krispy Kremes are superior in every way to other donuts.

I don't travel that much, but would like to some day.

I don't smoke.  I never have.  I never will.  I don't even date smokers.
Try that in Kentucky!

Keyboard before mouse.  But mouse is OK.  I still can't figure out tablets.
:-\  No graphic artist here.

I like older rap and hiphop.  I generally don't like much of anything new.

The 4th of July is my favorite holiday.  I'd like to say it's because I'm
patriotic, but really I just like to blow $h17 up.

What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Seriously, though, what is your favorite sport to watch?  Play?  Sex doesn't

--  Ben Doom
    Programmer & General Lackey
    Moonbow Software, Inc

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