did she get the email returned as undeliverable? Either way, see if you can
get her to send you the emails (maybe at a hotmail account or by fax?)
after she turns the headers on. Mail that is mysteriously not delivered is
usually sent to the wrong email address in my opinion. I don't remember the
details of the klez bug but its probably not keeping her from sending mail;
the whole point of viruses is to send LOTS of mail :)

Paul Ihrig writes:

> so my mom calls last night
> says she has sent out a few emails to me this week
> but i have never received them
> she said she keeps getting all these odd emails..
> find out i think she has the Klez bug..
> i told her to check her virus signatures are up to date
> and to call her isp for help on lost emails..
> not sure what else i can do.
> i could have her install vnc, then i could pucker up her computer.
> but don't really feel like it..
> what is a good son to do?
> -paul
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