Dearest Eri*K*a with a K in the UK with Philip with one L,

Oh, how wonderful !!
How absotively, posilutely delicious that you posted this !!
Almost cannot stop laughing.
OMG, did I *really* invent the lacquered muffin ?!?
Has it really been _two years_ ??
<strains of "Thanks for the Memories">

gotta admit, though, some of them were crumby, half-baked puns!

Only a little change - here, dear, have a fresh blueberry bran Zen muffin,
with gobs of TakeControl margarine!

At 11:43 PM 3/19/03 +0000, you wrote:
>Here it is.
>Once and for all.
>The History of the Muffins ...
>Once upon a time, I posted this to the list:
>Then Gel posted this in reply:
>>>| From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001
>>>| Thank you.
>>>| Now I can't eat my blueberry muffins.
>>>| *sigh*
>Then someone said they didn't eat muffins or bread ... Carbs and all
>that, blah, blah, blah ...
>So then Gel posted this:
>>>| From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001
>>>| I am slim,trim,and too sexy for carbs to have an effect on 
>>>| me. *runs fingers through hair* *puffs out chest*
>>>| I can eat whatever I want:
>>>| a cheesecake a week and muffins in the morning;
>>>| and I don't put on a pound =)
>>>| It always gets women quite annoyed when I announce this, 
>>>| and worse yet when they find it to be true. ^_^
>>>| *still looking at the muffins and imagining them laced with 
>>>| arsenic* *sulks at Erika* *munches on an individually 
>>>| wrapped snickers instead*
>Then somewhere down the road Gel posts this:
>>>| From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 3:02 PM
>>>| Subject: RE: The sitaution with the p3 Orion in China
>>>| You were a SPY!!??
>>>| *pokes him in the tummy with a pink haired TROLL doll*
>>>| OUT with IT!
>>>| We have ways to make you talk!
>>>| *eyes Erika with the arsenic and a fresh muffin*
>>>| Fraulein Erika! Bring out the Muffins!
>>>| Our dear Chris is....huuuungrrryyyyy..
>>>| *adjusts his pink frilly skirt*
>>>| Why are you looking at my pink frilly skirt like that?
>>>| Did you not hear the women on the list want to unite?
>>>| So Fine..we will all be women now until they calm down...
>Then our favorite Kevin Gilchrist posted this:
>>>| From: Kevin Gilchrist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>| Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:15 AM
>>>| My vision is swimming with pink tutu wearing muffins.
>>>| **Been eating too many of the wrong kind of muffins....**
>Then this the next day: ...
>>>| From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 2:57 PM
>>>| Subject: gosh why didn't I stay home today..
>>>| *streeeetches*
>>>| *looks about*
>>>| Its one of those lulls-between-projects days you know?
>>>| *rests chin on desk*
>>>| *looks at muffin crumbs*
>>>| I really should wipe this thing off...
>AND here is the first mention of laquered muffins ... Made by none other
>than our very own master punmeister ... Benny!
>>>| -----Original Message-----
>>>| From: Braver, Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:56 PM
>>>| Subject: Cowboy and Lesbian
>>>| (before you start throwing lacquered muffins or anything, I 
>>>| ASKED FIRST <grin>)
>>>| So, this cowboy is sitting in a bar....
>... And insert any inappropriately funny joke here ...
>Then Michael Smith was up late one night and here's the first documented
>evidence of me trying to pass a muffin to someone, ....
>>>| From: Erika L Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 5:38 AM
>>>| Subject: RE: Women of ColdFusion Unite
>>>| Mike, You are going to be too exhausted to do your 
>>>| presentations on Saturday!! 
>>>| Shouldn't you be sleeping!  <<< here's some of the muffin 
>>>| from Gel... >>>>>
>>>| <<< ooo wait...that's the arsenic one....>>>
>And here's evidence of President Todd joining in the muffin fun ...
>>>| From: Todd Ashworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 5:18 AM
>>>| Subject: Re: &
>>>| Unlike you, I certify that whatever I do with
>>>| will be Gel picture free, unless he is a 
>>>| hot people magnet and would tend to draw tonnes of visitors by
>showing off 
>>>| his sugar glazed muffins ;)
>And lo and behold there's the infamous Dances-with-horsies post by Gel.
>Forgot all about that one.:
>>>| From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 4:15 PM
>>>| Subject: RE: CS vs BFA
>>>| So when will be able to visualise a photo of you, Miss
>>>| Dances-With-Horsies-For-Ten-Years ?
>So the some time later I post the Froggie Loan joke and Gel tells me to
>go play with the Horsies .... So Python was born ...
>>>| From: Erika L Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:35 PM
>>>| Subject: RE: Give the frog a loan and an Easter Egg
>>>| ** galloping in on her trusty steed, Python....trying to 
>>>| run Gel over *****
>>>| "No, don't bite Gel, Python, he can't help it, he just 
>>>| doesn't have a good sense of humor! Maybe if he gives you 
>>>| an apple, we'll forgive him.."
>And Ben became the second person to receive the Python threat ...
>>>| From: Erika L Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 3:49 AM
>>>| Subject: RE: Give the frog a loan
>>>| LOL..... *** Thinking about letting Python loose on Ben now.... ****
>The very first post offering a muffin to a newcomer/lurker ...
>>>| From: Erika L Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:26 AM
>>>| Subject: RE: Math, and books and such
>>>| !!!** A LURKER !!! ****
>>>| People, we have a lurker! A lurker on the Babble List!
>>>| ..... hmmmm.. Gel, should we allow lurkers? .... well. OK, 
>>>| but I think, only if they bring you a muffin every now and 
>>>| then. And some good coffee for Jen, and, and an apple for 
>>>| Python,....and, and an award for Ben!!
>And this just started becoming a shared community joke amongst all the
>die-hards .... With others throwing muffins or baking muffins. Favorite
>flavors were Blueberry then Banana ... Somewhere along they we brought
>out the cast iron muffin pan as a weapon ... Though this was some time
>after President Todd and Gel broke the aluminium one ... So I decided we
>needed something indestructible.
>I was so involved in the list on a watchful day to day basis, I came to
>recognize whether people had posted before or not ... So I started
>pouncing on newcomers and lurkers ... Bringing FULL ATTENTION to their
>first words and welcoming them with muffins....
>Gel is ALWAYS around to tweak an earlobe or three ;)
>Here he shares his breakfast ... Or does he ... ?
>>>| From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 1:13 PM
>>>| Subject: *pulls out muffins*
>>>| It is early in the morning and I remembered I have to share 
>>>| these out to people.. but I don't quite remember who.. let 
>>>| me check my message history.
>>>| ooooh look..a blueberry.
>>>| *munch* *munch* *munch*
>>>| Hmm..I forget I have the messages from yesterday at home 
>>>| since I didn't come out to work yesterday.. I'll have to 
>>>| check the online archives...
>>>| mmm..strawberry..
>>>| *chomp* *munch* *munch*
>>>| Damn this net is slow today. We really need to get a better 
>>>| connection. Good thing the office I'm moving to has Direct 
>>>| PC Broadband satellite.
>>>| hmm..this one looks a bit hard..I wonder..
>>>| mmmm*munch* *munch*
>>>| noff, noff, ithf quitff all riff..
>>>| *munch*
>>>| Ahh here are the messages at last..
>>>| So it was Timothy,Rick..and Will was it...
>>>| Alright here are the muff-..
>>>| wait nuh..
>>>| !_!
>>>| Where did all the Muffins go!??!
>Al Gore even turned up in the muffin discussions ...
>>>| From: Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Monday, September 10, 2001 3:19 PM
>>>| Subject: Gore and Muffins
>>>| Big Al had a few muffins here in Minneapolis.
>Gel turned Gelien with the muffins ...
>>>| From: Angel Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 3:06 PM
>>>| Subject: Grawwl..rarrkk..*shriek*
>>>| *scampers across roof,tail swishing left to right for 
>>>| balance* *drops and flips to ground*
>>>| *leaps over sundry obstacles*
>>>| *holds up a blueberry muffin in a black,reptillian claw*
>>>| Grawwl rarrk *chirrup* *chirrup*??
>>>| *gobbles muffin*
>>>| *flees ensuing marine attack*
>>>| -The Gelien. 
>Then we were going into cloning ... Maybe ...
>>>| From: Judith Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 3:20 PM
>>>| Subject: Re: Goooood Morning
>>>| No -- NO!!! Don't clone the evil muffins! Clone the good muffins...
>>>| It's the evil muffins that work for the terrorists, don't 
>>>| you know that?
>>>| From: Mike Townend
>>>| >Good morning from me, me, me and me.... O heck from all of us...
>>>| >Geez this cloning is easier than making a Pot Noodle...
>>>| >Now for my evil Muffin cloning plan...
>>>| >Mwaa haa ha haaaaaa
>And now for a much more recent post:
>>>| -----Original Message-----
>>>| From: Erika L. Walker-Arnold [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>>| Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 5:49 PM
>>>| Subject: RE: muffins
>>>| MUFFINS???!!!
>>>| Did someone say muffins?
>>>| What? Who? When? I want some!
>>>| Hot, moist, blue-berry packed muffins topped with great 
>>>| gobs of butter!!! NOW!!!!
>>>| *** clears throat, straightens hair, fixes clothes ... ***
>>>| Sorry about that. Haven't had a muffin in a while ... Been 
>>>| a little too busy to bake them and pass them around ... 
>>>| It's really all Gel's fault, he had a muffin one day and he 
>>>| ended up with crumbs all over his desk and behind his desk 
>>>| or something or other ... And he wouldn't share. ;)
>>>| Well, for all you newbies and lurkers and 
>>>| been-here-a-while-but-not-welcomed-properly peeps, have a 
>>>| muffin, while they're still warm. And if you behave, you 
>>>| won't get bopped on the head with a cast iron muffin pan 
>>>| ... As for Python, well, he's turned out for the winter, 
>>>| living wild for a while.
>AND I hope that clears up where the muffins came from.
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