good post.

At 05:41 PM 3/21/03 -0400, you wrote:
>I think your example is a little flawed.  This situation is more like guns
are OK to have for defense, or whatever, but if you start shooting members
of your own family and then go into your neighbors house and start shooting
them because you want their stuff, your other neighbors probably aren't
going to like it.
>Now, you might get off easy for the first shootings, but you probably
own't be trusted with a gun again.  If you start collecting such guns, they
are probably going to come and try to take them away.  Fighting back isn't
going to help you too much either.  :)
>Now, my nukes are another story.  You can trust me with them >=-)
>>Not that I'm trying to defend Saddam here, but to put the shoe on the other
>>foot: when Ashcroft declares all private ownership of guns to be illegal,
>>how many US citizens do you think are going to voluntarily disarm? And if
>>the ATF comes to invade their homes, how many of those citizens do you think
>>will use everything they have to fight back?
>>Same exact situation.
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