::nod:: not counting list mail I get about 3-400 pieces of mail a day, most
of which is garbage, sign up for free caribbean cruise kinda stuff. But you
can't mass delete it because there is often an email in there from someone
you want to hear from. Now email lists... hehe. No comment. At least the
ones I am on now seem to be immune from the kind of virus hoax and chain
mail forwarding that I have seen on some others :)

Ian Skinner writes:

> I don't know if I have or have not received unsolicited emails about eDiet
> or not, but I do know Spam is a very real and expensive problem.  Just
> because I wanted people to be able to contact me about doing small
> independent contracts for web development, so I put my e-mail address on my
> web site, I know must contend with a nearly overwhelming amount of mail.  I
> get somewhere between 150 and 200 emails every day at that address, and less
> then 10% of them are important to me, or email that I signed up for.  (I'm
> not signed up for these lists at home, otherwise the good vs. bad would be
> more equal, but still unacceptable.)  It takes me 1 to 2 minutes to download
> all that mail on my fairly decent PPPoE DSL broadband connection.  Then I
> have several filters that attempt to filter out the bad e-mails, and
> separate out the ones I know I want.  But I still of to spend up to an hour
> or more, scanning through those e-mails for any important but unknown
> messages my filters may have missed or misplaced.  And I'm just one person!
> Spending $25 a day in lost productivity dealing with unwanted e-mail.
> Multiply that by a few million people and you get into some really big
> dollar here.
> Freedom of speech says you can say anything you want, but it doesn't give
> somebody the right to force me to listen to it!
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Graeme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:39 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: WTF :)Fw: PLEASE REPLY !
> I can only say that I've received eDiets marketing email and I've never
> visited the eDiets site and have never opted in. That, without a doubt, is
> spam. It doesn't matter if it came from eDiets server's or from those of a
> hired marketing company.
> Sorry Bill. I know that your employers were there for you in a tight spot,
> and I know you aren't in marketing, but that doesn't change my opinion of
> them as a spammer.
> As for SPEWS, I don't know what to think. I know that spam/UCE is a HUGE
> problem and it appears that unfortunately it will take some extreme measures
> to combat it. When I got back from a vacation I did a count and 75% of the
> mail at my work account was spam and 100% at my personal account with over
> 100 messages. IMHO, spammers negatively impact many millions of more people
> than SPEWS does. And yes, we've been blacklisted.
> -Kevin
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bill Wheatley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:55 AM
> > To: CF-Community
> > Subject: Re: WTF :)Fw: PLEASE REPLY !
> >
> >
> > Well its not going to be a mystery for too long. Someone I do work for at
> > nights is suing him and since the person(s) have failed to appear in court
> > who knows what's going to happen with them.
> >
> > Now the things I don't like about spews these antispam zealots talk about
> > reforming your mailing practices yadda yadda. Yet ediets has some of our
> > mail servers listed as open relays when in fact they are not.
> > Once you're on
> > their little black list of death you can't get off it that is
> > what pisses me
> > off. They are bullshit elitists who think they know what is best for
> > everyone and even then I wouldn't mind if you could get in touch with them
> > and get off the list. Trying to get the non-open relays off the list was
> > long arduous and just ended in getting mocked by the people who eventually
> > did reply to me. WTF is up with that a bunch of jackoffs who work
> > for these
> > big bandwidth providers instead of doing their job all day they crusade on
> > alt.abuse and with spews and it just pisses me off. SPEWs should not be a
> > roach hotel (you come in but you don't come out) and I'm sorry
> > but I'm never
> > going to accept that as fair or acceptable. I hope one day you
> > get a server
> > of yours in spews simply because people don't like that you don't
> > use double
> > optin, or because of your marketing practices and then when you prove you
> > don't have an open relay you get mocked ridiculed and you stay on there
> > stupid list. Its just a power trip ohh look what we can do we can
> > put anyone
> > in here. Like their own personal prison to send people who they don't like
> > and if they don't change their ways I hope they loose their equipment in
> > court for failure to appear.
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Jochem van Dieten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 6:37 AM
> > Subject: WTF :)Fw: PLEASE REPLY !
> >
> >
> > Bill Wheatley wrote:
> > > LOL well I wish all of the crazy spews and such people a nice trip off a
> > > big cliff in a bag.
> >
> > Actually, I like SPEWS a lot and I don't think they are crazy. But it is a
> > bit hard to tell, because it remains a mystery who they are exactly :-) If
> > I could use SPEWS for my own email I would, but since I can not set
> > blacklists per individual email address I unfortunately can not.
> >
> >
> > > Threatening people personally is a pretty shitty/wrong thing to do (you
> > > didn't just that alot of these fanatic antispammers have). Ediets is not
> > > a spammer just because our execs don't do business the way some would
> > > approve it is still not spam
> >
> > Again, that is a matter of different definitions. And in my mailbox I set
> > the rules.
> >
> >
> > > We can agree to disagree.
> >
> > That is just the easy way out :-)
> >
> > Jochem
> >
> > 
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