> The reason I ask is that I get angry enough about this topic to put it on my
"to do when the work lightens up" list.
I'm waiting for that to happen. I'm so very close....

> Right after assembling my cf regex library and passing it to the regex ninja
named Doom.
Once I have that free time I'm going to open cfregex.com with a CF based regex
library and take my title of RegEx master back from the good doctor. :)

> Thanks for the info.
> Jerry Johnson
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/27/03 03:09PM >>>
> Most of the reports will be from different Israel sources and while they are
> reliable, many will just say "oh, it's just Israel". I can do some searches
> you but it'll mainly be red crescent stuff rather than red cross (though the
> crescent is supposed to be under or equal to the red cross and has the same
> status)
> The same goes for Geneva Convention abuses. There are lots of reports of
> shooting from schools and the like, but again they're mostly from Israeli
> sources and other media outlets tend to discount them. This is flat out racism
> and can be easily seen in many reports including the 'peace activist' who was
> killed by a bulldozer.
> As for Amnesty, I put them in the same rank as Peta. A good idea on the
> with nothing good on the inside.
> > Micheal,
> >
> > Do you know of a (fairly reliable) source that documents these abuses?
> >
> > Not just in Israel, but elsewhere as well?
> >
> > And what about Geneva Convention abuses (like the Iraqis reportadly using
> hospital and school as staging area for military action?
> >
> > (And Amnesty International is not, too me, a reliable source.)
> >
> > Jerry Johnson
> >
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/27/03 01:56PM >>>
> > This is nothing new. There are numerous reports of the abuse of Red Cross
> > offices and transports for use by terrorists in the middle east. They're
> > never reported in America for obvious reasons. The reports against the Red
> > Crescent (the Arab version of the Red Cross) are even worse with their
> > ambulances being used to transport weapons, explosives as well as
> > But again, rarely if ever reported.
> > I think its good that the Red Cross has rejected the inclusion of the Red
> Mogen
> > Dovid (Israeli version of the Red Cross) into its organization. Keeps them
> > outside the scandal as well as shows the bias of the Red Cross.
> > But the bias goes back many, many years....
> >
> >
> > > [Timothy Heald] What the hell is he red cross thinking about?? Don't they
> > > know what this does to their credibility and neutrality?
> > >
> > >  Wanted Islamic Jihad Terrorist Apprehended; Terrorist Youth Admits to
> > > Homicide Bombing Plan
> > >
> > > Ministry of Foreign Affairs
> > > http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0dho0
> > > <http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH0dho0>
> > >
> > > Israel Defense Forces troops arrested wanted Islamic Jihad terrorist
> > > Shadi Sukeya today, after he was found hiding in the Red Cross
> > > offices in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank, HA'ARETZ
> > > reported. Soldiers in the IDF's Egoz unit were carrying out arrests
> > > in the neighborhood in which the Red Cross offices are located. The
> > > troops arrested one of Sukeya's aids, and found two Kalashnikov
> > > automatic rifles. When they approached the Red Cross offices, their
> > > entry request was denied by Red Cross activists. The soldiers
> > > insisted on entering the offices, where they found Sukeya, who was
> > > armed.
> > >
> > > Meanwhile, IDF troops clashed with Palestinians in the northern Gaza
> > > town of Beit Hanoun today. Sixteen Palestinians were reported
> > > wounded. Israeli sources said the military moved in after receiving
> > > intelligence reports of Palestinian terrorists planning attacks in
> > > the area. They said Palestinian gunmen shot at the soldiers, and the
> > > troops fired back. They also said Palestinians detonated several
> > > bombs.
> > >
> > > Also, a 17-year-old Palestinian youth who was arrested two months ago
> > > told police that he had planned to carry out a homicide bombing at a
> > > boarding school in Jerusalem. The Israeli security service and police
> > > arrested the youth a few days after he dumped a suitcase packed with
> > > explosives near the tunnel road connecting Jerusalem and Gush Etzion
> > > that had been intended for use in the attack. The bomb was discovered
> > > by an IDF patrol, which summoned sappers who carried out a controlled
> > > explosion. Initially, the would-be bomber refused to reveal whether
> > > he had a specific location, but a few days ago he told police he had
> > > planned to detonate the bomb in the Beit Ha'yeled boarding school in
> > > Gilo. He said he had decided not to go ahead with the attack after he
> > > realized that many children would be hurt. After admitting his plan,
> > > the youth was taken to Gilo where he reconstructed his plan. Security
> > > forces believe the youth was part of a Fatah cell and are still
> > > searching for its other members.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
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